Wednesday, June 6, 2012

In which Zombies take over the Plastow home

It's been rough around here lately! Logan (the baby with the longest teething record in the world) is still working on pushing out tooth 2, 3 & 4. He's ornery and still chewing on everything. Except now he's leaving marks on things because he has one little tooth.

We've also been working on weaning him from swaddling (you'd think by 10 months he would be done with this). It's getting WAY too hot for him to sleep this way any more, so we're trying real hard! He has been doing good on his naps, but bedtime is hard for him. Last night I put him down and he was out, then Dave walked down the hallway... and he FREAKED out. So after an hour and a half of fighting, we swaddled him again and he went down.

Speaking of hot... it's been in the 90's for about a week. It got up to 100 Monday! We've been trying not to put on the air, but after the 100 day, I couldn't help it. So sleeping has been affected. Finally last night a cold front moved in and I got some very needed sleep! Thank Heavens.

Sunday was my 30th birthday! Something about being 30 makes me feel like I should probably be taken seriously. Or at least the cashiers at the grocery store will stop carding me for white out, glue and over the counter drugs. A girl can hope, right? But I do love getting older, it's fun to start a new decade of my life.

Dave was so sweet and bought me a Kindle! I didn't expect it at all, and have had tons of fun reading books on it so far. Dave's had tons of fun discovering Angry Birds on it. I told him he can have 2 apps on my Kindle at any time, so choose wisely. I also have the feeling I'm going to have to buy him one of these in the future so I can get full use of my toy.

This week Logan learned to lock himself in his room. He crawls over to the door, pushes it shut, then crawls behind it, leans against the door and cries. Then I have to try to figure out how to get him to move so I can get him out of there. Usually it involves gently pushing him over and sliding the door open. But when he has his fingers under the door this presents problems. I even started putting a door stopper on his door, but he's figured out how to get that out of the way. He doesn't do it in any other room, just his bedroom.


  1. Happy Birthday Amy! I told Emil M. you celebrated your birthday he said "Pity. If I was there I would have baked her an apple pie". That's pretty big for him. Just wanted you to know you made quite an impression on his birthday. :)
    That little Logan, what a stinker!

  2. Happy birthday! 30 is great! Hahaha, Logan. That is funny about him shutting himself inside a room. Lucky you.

    Also, I don't know how people can go without A/C. I'm willing to pay whatever, just so I can sleep comfortably!! There's nothing worse than sweating in bed. YUCK.

  3. Man! I wish Emil M was here too! I can always use an apple pie :) That's really sweet.

    Melissa, I'm so with you on the AC... it's been way too hot this year not to use it. We haven't had to use it all every day, just some every once in a while.
