Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Rolling in the Dough!

It's been over a week since we got back from Snowbird, and what a week and a half it's been! Logan's been having problems sleeping through the night since we got back! Every other night He wakes up from 1:30 - 2:30 and doesn't sleep for the remainder of the night (sometimes I can get him to sleep around 5:30). I can't decide if he's teething or if it's residual separation anxiety. Either way I really hope it's over soon! I've been a zombie since this started.

We found a KILLER recipe this week. Dave loves anything with basil in it, especially pesto. So when I saw a recipe for Pesto Swirls in King Arthur Flour's catalog, I knew we had to try them. And they were delicious! I have a feeling these will be one of Dave's favorite breads for a while. You can find the recipe here.

I made the dough in the bread maker, rolled it out, spread the pesto on, sprinkled parmesan, let it rise and cooked it. This is one of those few recipes that I wouldn't change a thing about!

Last night I also tried a fun recipe for play-dough! It sounded like something that would be fun for nursery. It turned out awesome, almost the same consistency as the play-dough you buy at the store. I really hoped Logan would love it, but he didn't like that it was squishy. At least this will keep the kids a little more entertained next Sunday!

Play Dough

1 c. flour
1 c. water
1/4 c. salt
1 T oil
2 t cream of tarter
food coloring (I used neon for fun)

Add all the ingredients to a medium saucepan. Whisk together until all lumps are gone. Heat on medium-high heat stirring constantly. Eventually the liquid will completely become a dough. When it's done, plop the dough onto the counter and kneed it until it cools off. 

Makes about a cup and a half of dough that should last for about 6 months. If I were just making this, I would probably make a half batch of each color and end up making more colors (pink, orange & yellow). Seriously, try this if you have kids. Or Grandkids. Or are an Aunt/Uncle. Or work with kids. You won't be disappointed!


  1. That dough looks awesome! Madelyn's been begging me to make her some all week. I need some neon food coloring--everything is better in neon!

  2. This is THE recipe to use! It takes 15 minutes per batch and it's such a great consistency! And the neon is fabulous. They have a pink too, but we only needed three batches for nursery. I would have made the pink if Logan liked the dough and would have kept a little of each for us... sigh, maybe later he will like it!
