Monday, May 20, 2013

Prepping to Party

Logan's been super into his creative side lately. He just loves painting, coloring, or anything with stickers. He will request what color he wants, and get frustrated if you dare give him green instead of red.

I know I say this a lot, but my gosh it's been busy around here lately! Last week during the day I worked like crazy in the kitchen (making and freezing food for a friend's baby shower as well as for a family dinner). When Dave got home we worked like crazy prepping the yard for the weekend.

Saturday we (and Dave's brother Blaine) laid 600 square feet of sod, planted a pear tree, and laid wood chips & black plastic to keep the weeds out of our flower beds. We completely filled in one of our flower beds with sod (think 10 - 12 feet deep), and down sized another by half. We finished most of the wood chips and black plastic, except one area that is just waiting for the rain to stop for us to finish.

That night we hosted the monthly Plastow family dinner at our house. We were really hoping to have it outside on the gazebo, but since it rained and was chilly, we decided to squeeze inside. With a little re-arranging we all fit in the kitchen and enjoyed a tasty spaghetti dinner.

This morning I cut my Mom's hair and this afternoon I'm going to do some more baking (I'm thinking cream cheese pumpkin bread is definitely on the menu, along with the remainder of the cookies for the baby shower). Tuesday I'm having my cousin Caitlin and her son over for lunch, and Wednesday I'm hosting the baby shower. So I've got some more prepping before the week is through.

Logan has been waking up with the sun lately and been super cranky as a result. This weekend I had the bright idea to block his window. Now before I close the blinds for the night, I stick a piece of cardboard in between the blinds and the window and he will again sleep in until 7:30 or 8. It's great!

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