Monday, November 6, 2017


I've been trying to get a good picture of the kids all fall. They do not want this, so it's been extremely hard. This is the best one I could get.

Brooklyn is always ready to smile and look cute for the camera though!

I love these kids even if they are always making a mess and getting into trouble.

We received a letter stating City hall was giving away bags to collect leaves in. We went down to get some the first day they were giving them out at 11am only to be told they had already given away all 40 boxes of leaf bags. So I tried again to get a cute picture of the kids. Only Brooklyn cooperated.

One of our big jobs for the week was to tear out the tomato plants in the garden. Brooklyn loved eating all the not quite ripe tomatoes that fell on the ground. I saved all the ones that didn't have little bite marks to ripen on the window seal.

Last weekend we had tickets to go to a Grizzlies hockey game! The kids won them from completing the Summer reading program at the Library and it was fun to go see a game. It took a little while for the boys to get into it, but by the end they were enjoying themselves. Brooklyn and I had fun though!

Saturday we also attended our ward's chili cook off and costume party. I was glad to not bring anything to the event and to get to enjoy chili, cornbread, and candy. The kids had fun playing with their church friends.

On Halloween Logan's school had it's annual parade! This year Dustin was less than pleased to attend. He didn't want to dress up and he didn't want to sit in that loud, noisy gym waiting for his brother. Brooklyn started throwing a fit when the parade started and cried until Logan's class walked through and we left (early). But Logan was happy we got to see him, and that's what counts.

This year I failed to get a picture of our whole family or the three of us together on Halloween! The boys always want to be super heroes! Dustin wanted to be Hot Flash (he's convinced this is Flash's full name) and Logan was Thor. 

I wanted to dress Brooklyn up as something girly, but the boys and Dave insisted she would make a great Batgirl. When we took her out she had leggings, a long sleeve shirt and a cape, but she preferred to just wear her onesie when we got home.

We trick-or-treated our street and did the ward trunk or treat and somehow still managed to fill out the boys pumpkins! They were in heaven! Candy galore! We only grabbed like 6 pieces of candy for Brooklyn but found out that wasn't nearly enough for her! She ate a ton of the boys candy. Good thing she's cute and the boys didn't mind sharing with her. Next year we'll get her all the candy!!!

Here's a video of Brooklyn bouncing off the walls when we were trying to get her to sleep. For those who don't believe in sugar high... Here's your 9pm proof!

This weekend was full of work! We installed our new dishwasher, replaced the bathroom sink and all the stuff underneath the sink. It was leaking from two places and we figured we might as well replace the second valve while we were in there. It probably would have gone bad soon anyway.  That might not sound like a lot of work, but it consumed Friday and Saturday. 

Oh, I guess Saturday morning Dave helped a neighbor put shingles on the roof of his house too. They started the previous Saturday but since only Dave, the owner and one other guy showed up they had to work on it this Saturday as well.

I started meal planning for the month of November. I've got big plans to make extra food to freeze for December so the holiday season runs smoother. With being sick and not having a dishwasher for the past month I've really been struggling with wanting to cook, so hopefully this kicks me back into gear. We'll see how it goes.

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