Tuesday, August 28, 2012


We've been consuming mass amounts of vegetables lately! The tomatoes are producing like crazy (romas and sweet 100s), so we've had many salads, pasta with red sauce, and of course bruschetta.

Also, the old ladies in the ward have been bringing zucchinis to church on Sunday, and we just can't help but take them home with us! We've been eating zucchini bread, muffins, fried zucchini, breaded zucchini fries, zucchini in stirfry and stuffed zucchini. It's been fun to try out all these new recipes. I never really ate zucchini before this year, and I decided I like it! So maybe we'll grow our own next year.

Logan's been a busy boy! He's discovered how to get into everything, so Monday I baby-proofed the house. The kitchen and bathroom cabinets and drawers are all sealed up, and every time he tries to get into one it causes weeping, wailing and gnashing of 4 little teeth. I did leave one cabinet open in the kitchen so he has one outlet for his creative juices. We'll see how long I can stand picking up the measuring spoons and pots.

Logan also took his first two steps yesterday! Dave was playing with him in the living room and got him to do it. Although I missed it, he took two for me today. So they're legitimate! I know it's crazy, but I can't wait until he can walk! Right now he stands up and scoots along the furniture and walls to get where he wants to go. It will just be so much easier for him when he can just walk.

Dave and I have kept ourselves busy too. We (and by we I mean I) decided the paint was scraping off too much on the poles to our carport to last another winter. I noticed this last summer, but there was no way I was adding a project for my pregnant self to do, so I promptly ignored it.

This year it's pretty bad, and I don't want the wood to rot and to have to replace the poles, so we spent the weekend (and this week nap times for me) scraping the chipping paint off. Tomorrow I'll hopefully scrape the last two poles and sand everything down. Then we can prime and paint them again! I'll be glad they'll be nice and done for the winter.

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