Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

My first "real" Mother's Day turned out really well. Something my family has always done for birthdays and Mother's/Father's Day is insist the girl/guy of the day does NO work what so ever. So we prepped the night before by cleaning and getting everything ready.

The food was great (and let's be honest, not cooking or cleaning is what it's all about)! For breakfast Dave made me some Orange Cinnamon Rolls and an omelet. For dinner he made Steak Gorgonzola, a salad and garlic bread. In the evening we needed a snack, so I introduced Dave to Muddy Buddies. It was a tasty day!

Dave also was so kind to teach my lesson as well. It was great to just have a break! We relaxed, ate, went on a walk to the park, and just spent time together. So nice!

We decided for gifts this year to combine Mother's and Father's day and get ourselves a bike trailer! We used all of our REI Dividend to buy it, so it didn't cost us anything! Dave also bought me the Hunger Games trilogy. I wasn't expecting anything on top of the bike trailer, so it was a pleasant surprise. Over all it was a fabulous day!

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